Santiago de Chile
Thursday morning I had a nice meeting in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Chile, one with Rodrigo Nieto, director of South-America Department, whom I invited to hold lectures in the university on my course about Latin-America several times, while he was the ambassador of Chile in Budapest. In the afternoon I visited the Universidad del Pacifico, and had a meeting with colleagues of the Faculty of Social Sciences, who, has interest in cooperation with Hungarian universities in student and professor exchange program.
On Friday I had an other meeting in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Chile with Rodrigo Pérez Manríquez, the director of Europe Department. After I met the aunt of my friend Antonio from the Spanish embassy in Budapest, who is working for the Spanish embassy in Santiago. It's a small world. :-) In the afternoon I have visited the Dominican church and convent outside of the modern district of Santiago. It is nearly 200 years old, which is amazing regarding the fact that the huge earthquakes always are destroying the older buildings. There is one exception: the San Francisco church, which survived everything until now, even the 2010 earthquake with the intensity 8.8. It has very thick stone walls and built in "Moorish" style and technique with special wooden facade and roof in 1622 by the Spanish architects.