I used these three days to carrying out all the official meetings, reunions and lecture. I visited the following universities: Universidad Central del Ecuador (UCE); Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales (IAEN) Escuela de Relaciones Internacionales; Universidad Andína Simón Bolivar (UASB) and Universidad Yachay Tech. We were reviewing the possible cooperation between the Ecuadorian and the Hungarian higher education institutes, and hopefully in short time we will be able to sign some memorandums of understanding. I visited some other institutes such as the SENESCYT (Secretaría de Educación Superior, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación – Secretary of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation), the Europe Department of the Ecuadorian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and of course the Hungarian Embassy in Quito. Furthermore on Tuesday I hold a presentation in the IAEN ‘s School of International Relation on the possible introduction of the euro in Central European member states of the European Union.