In the morning, freshly shaved, I went to the nearest bus station to catch the bus to Tiradentes, but I saw some guys on motor in strange west and with extra helmet on their vehicle. After the fifth such motorist, I realised that they are motor-taxi-drivers. I stop one and asked for the price to Tiradentes, I for 20 BRL it was absolutely worth. The guy drives safe and carefully. However the road outside of Saõ Joao was paved by cobble stones, and that means that I want have kidney stone in the near future. :-)
Tiradentes is a breathtakingly beautiful small town. It's main highlight is the Igreja Matriz de Santo Antonio, in which there more gold in the altars and decoration than in the Hungarian Central Bank... I was walking nearly three hours in the town, and I think I saw every small and big church, I was "hunted" by a small street-dog and was asked for instructions by Brazilian tourist. So I felt pretty much like a local after all. :-)
Now a bit of gastronomy. After the walk I deserved a good lunch, so I was searching for a nice place in main street, the Rua Gabriel Passos. I found a small bar of "paõ de queijo" named "na Venda", it is a traditional small "cheese-bread" of Minas Gerais (made of cheese and cornflour). Fortunately the owner spoke English, so did not have to show my Portuguese knowledge I am so proud of. I ordered a heavenly turkey-ham sandwich of paõ de queijo with crispy banana chips and ketchup made of goiabada (a type of quince cheese - Spanish "membrillo" - made of the fruit guava). As a dessert I ordered "Romeo and Juliet", which is a real slice of goiabada with hard, white cheese (Manchego type). Definitely worth to taste it, when anyone is in Tiradentes! :-)
Tomorrow I am up for Rio!!!